Our Members

The Danish Institute for Human Rights logo
Københavns Professionshøjskole logo
Landsforeningen af Væresteder logo
Logo Prosa
Røde Kors logo
Stay Relevant IT logo
Ældre Sagen logo
Ungdomsbureauet logo
CPH Solutions Lab
Gate21 logo
CBS logo
Member Statements
Marika Sabroe

"Our membership in the Center for Digital Welfare provides us a valuable network of other practitioners as well as researchers, and a place where we can discuss digital challenges and gather new inspiration for our professional practice."


Marika Sabroe, Programme manager at Constructive Communities

Nikolaj Skovmann Malkov

”In Implement we are doing a lot of work on public digital transformations. Therefore, we find it natural to take part in the important and interesting work with the Center for Digital Welfare. I have participated in the working group for the agile state. Through the working group meetings and field trips I have found great value in being able to share and discus my practical insights and experiences with peers and researchers thus gaining access to new perspectives and knowledge relevant to my daily work.”


Nikolaj Skovmann Malkov, Manager at Implement Consulting Group

Rikke Frank

“Through the working groups (The Agile State and Digital Citizenship) we have gained access to an inspiring interdisciplinary space, where we can discuss digitization of the welfare state together with other researchers and practitioners. It is a super complex subject, and therefore it is extra important to have a specific and trustful exchange between researchers and practitioners.”. 

Rikke Frank Jørgensen, Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for Human Rights

Join the CDW

What does it mean to be a CDW member?

As a member of the CDW, your organization participates in various thematic activities on the topic of digital welfare, as well as joint center-wide events across the CDW. The CDW memberships aim at creating a mutual knowledge-sharing hub with the common mission of influencing the development of the digital welfare society according to sustainable and democratic principles by providing the newest research to academia, public debate, and decision-makers. Thus, members are given access to on-going research and tentative findings and insights pertaining to the different ‘emerging themes’ within digital welfare research connected to the center.

Who can become a CDW member?

The CDW members include a wide range of actors in the digital welfare landscape, including public authorities, industry, NGOs, academia, entrepreneurs, grassroot organizations, influencers, politicians, etc. Their mutual interest and varied experience with digital welfare bind the members together, and in cooperation with the CDW researchers they form strong knowledge hubs and influencers on the topic of digital welfare.

What are the expectations of CDW members?

Besides a yearly participant fee, the CDW members are strongly encouraged to actively participate in the events and activities organized by the center and even co-create new activities together with different societal actors and stakeholders. Showing up for thematic activities, engaging with the CDW researchers and other members on common projects, sharing experiences, insights and critique are essential in making the CDW a success, for members and researchers alike. 


Please contact Strategic Project Manager, Line Johansen, liny@itu.dk, if you or your organization are considering becoming part of the Center for Digital Welfare to know more about the membership.

Want to read more?
Find our info-booklet here to read more about being a member of CDW.