Policy Briefs
Policy Brief front page

Fast Track to Vision 2030

Three ITU-projects selected for NordForsk's suggestions on how to reach our sustainability goals: CAPE, CUPP and SOS are included in the policy brief "Fast Track to Vision 2023".

Read about the three projects, where CDW and ITU are involved here. 

Photo from a debate with a big crowd

Call for Citizen-Friendly and Inclusive Public Digitalization

On 8 November 2022, 35 researchers, experts and representatives of relevant societal organizations met to develop principles and initiatives in support of a more citizen-friendly and inclusive digitalization of the public sector. As a result of the meeting, 8 principles emerged which you can read more about here.

Books and booklets
Booklet cover page

Welfare after Digitalization (WaD) 


The research project Welfare after Digitalization (PI: Associate Professor Vasilis Galis) held an international conference in November 2022, during which the WaD-researchers launched a booklet. As you can read in the booklet, it came; 


“from the intent to provide a space for well-being and creative expression. Exploring different ways of expressing ourselves, and our experiences in engaging the digitalization of welfare, aided by a variety of individuals who claim writing as their craft. It was an exercise in redistributive care that nonetheless, became entangled in the broader extractivist pressures that increasingly permeate academic hierarchies.” (p. 3)


Blue background digital clouds on top and a painter painting the blue color of the cover, White text stating the book title "Digitalization in Practice - Intersections, Implications and Interventions" and the editors Jessamy Perriam and Katrine Meldgaard Kjær

Digitalization in Practice


Digitalization in Practice: Intersections, Implications and Interventions shows that as welfare is increasingly digitalized, an investigation of the social implications of this digitalization becomes increasingly pertinent. The book offers chapters on how the state operates, from the day-to-day practices of governance to keeping registers of businesses, from overarching and sometimes contradictory policies to considering how to best include citizens in digitalized processes. Moreover, the book takes a citizen perspective on key issues of access, identification and social harm to consider the social implications of digitalization in the everyday. The diversity of topics in Digitalization in Practice reflects how digitalization as an ongoing process and practice fundamentally impacts and often reshapes the relationship between states and citizens

> Provides much needed critical perspectives on digital states in practice.

> Opens up provocative questions for further studies and research topics in digital states.

> Showcases empirical studies of situations where digital states are enacted.

Read more and find the book here

Reclaiming Technology: A Poetic-scientific Vocabulary book cover

Reclaiming Technology: A Poetic-scientific Vocabulary

Reclaiming Technology: A Poetic-scientific Vocabulary aims to awaken ways of thinking, and intervening in, technological worlds through a variety of mixed writing styles.

Read more and find the book here. 

Academic Publications

Democratic Situations

Birkbak, A. and I. Papazu (eds) (2022) 

Mattering Press. Manchester, UK.

Link to publication


Difraction-in-action: Designerly Explorations of Agential Realism Through Lived Data

Pedro Sanches, Noura Howell, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Tom Jenkins, and Karey Helms. (2022)

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Com- puting Systems (CHI ’22)


‘Who Takes Care of Safety and Health among Young Workers? Responsibilization of OSH in the Platform Economy’

Nielsen, Mette Lykke, Cæcilie Sloth Laursen, and Johnny Dyreborg. (2022)

Safety Science


See all Academic Publications

Person with headphones


Tech og strategi i øjenhøjde 

Listen as former Head of Center, Brit Ross Winthereik is the guest on the podcast 'tech og strategi i øjenhøjde'. The episode focuses on the positive and negative experiences Denmark have had with digital welfare, and discusses how digitalization can benefit more citizens. 

[The podcast is in Danish]

Listen here. 

Klub Digital Velfærd

New episodes every week: Anders Kjærulff speaks with researchers at Center for Digital Welfare and takes detours into the world to explore everyday digital welfare issues.

[The podcast is in Danish.]

Listen here.

Data as Relation : The Podcasts

Listen to the Data as Relation podcasts to learn more about GDPR, Privacy & Ethics, Tech Futures, Data infrastructures and State Surveillance, as well as Data, News and Journalism. 

Listen here.

Data as Relation: lille land - store data

Listen to the special series of the Data as Relation podcasts telling the story of digitalization and big data in little Denmark through conversation with some researchers behind the project.

[The podcast is in Danish.]

Listen here. 

Nødradio fra Garagen: Corona-Eksperimentet

In a special edition of his podcast 'Nødradio', journalist Anders Kjærulff  interviewed the team of the research project Everyday Digitalization. Here the researchers tell about their own experiences during the lockdown but also give insight into the material and the archive they have built.

[The podcast is in Danish.]

Listen here.

Opening debate: What is digital Welfare?

On Thursday, the 8th October 2020, the Center for Digital Welfare was officially opened. Moderator Anders Kjærulff debated with Tanja Danner, founder and director of STAYRELEVANT-IT, Brian Rasmussen, Technical Director IBM Norden, Knud Kristensen, Chairman of SIND – Landsforeningen for Psykisk Sundhed (National Association for Mental Health) and Pia Tesdorf, Data Proection Consultant.

[The debate is in Danish.]

Listen here. 

CDW on Social Media

CDW has a social media presence, communicating immediate news of research activities and relaying information directly from our researchers. If you want to subscribe, you can find us at Twitter and LinkedIn.

In addition to these on-going communication efforts, the CDW publishes a bi-monthly newsletter in both Danish and English. In these newsletter, we dive deeper into the research and outreach activities, we announce up-coming events and list the most recent publications of the CDW researchers. To sign up, please follow this link.

Press Inquiries

Are you a member of the press and looking for a researcher with knowledge on specific aspects of digital welfare, please reach out to the IT-University’s press contact via Phone: +45 25 55 04 47 or